Click on an event below for more information
Thursday, March 27, 2025- From 2:45 pm - 5:30 pmTiny Tim's Foundation, 6818 Airport Rd STE A, West Jordan, UT 84084,Tiny Tim's Foundation Service Project
Join our Student Council for this amazing service opportunity to make wooden toys for children around the world who don’t any. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME AND FAMILIES AS WELL. We will meet at 2:45 pm at Liahona and carpool to the facility in West Jordan. We are also looking for families to help with carpool and join us on this activity. For more information, contact Jeanine Loukota-Carr at 801-785-7850 x105.
Thursday, March 27, 2025- From 2:45 pm - 5:30 pmTiny Tim's Foundation, 6818 Airport Rd STE A, West Jordan, UT 84084,28
Friday, March 28, 2025- All DayNorth Hampton House,198 W 300 N, American Fork, UT 84003,Prom
Prom Thursday, March 27, 7-10:30 pm
Cost: $35 single, $65 Couple (at the door prices: single $40, couple $75)Formal to Sunday dress ages 14 and up. Must be 16 to bring a date. * Dress and Behavior Standards must be adhered to.You are welcome to purchase prom tickets by sending money to @LiahonaAcademy or we can charge the account on file.Northampton House198 W. 300 N. American Fork, UT 84003*Dress Standards: Formal Wear or Sunday’s best
Young women should wear dresses or skirts of modest length (top of the knee or longer, if your dress has a slit -it must come to the top of the knee as well). Tops must have sleeves that are at least 2 inches below the shoulder line. No extreme scoop necklines or bareback. Only one pair of earrings.
Young men should wear a suit coat, dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie.
*DO NOT WEAR jeans; sweats; leather; flannel; pajamas or jogging pants. NO Pants that are too baggy or too low or too tight. NO Tank tops; spaghetti straps; revealing necklines; bare midriff; or bare backs. No body piercings, tattoos (including fake tattoos); NO extreme hairstyle or color.
*Behavior Standards: Lady-like and gentleman-like behavior is expected. Cleanliness in clothing & grooming. Proper dancing and position (quad scriptures between dance partners)
*DO NOT: dance suggestively; bear hug dance; hang out in the parking lot or in your car; swear; use vulgar or crude words or discussions; show disrespect to peers or adults.
Senior Promenade is at 9 pm – Parents are invited.Graduating Seniors ONLY- You must be at The Hampton House no later than 8:15 p.m. Promenade is at 9:00 p.m.
- Please email 3 pictures to the office
Friday, March 28, 2025- All DayNorth Hampton House,198 W 300 N, American Fork, UT 84003,01
Tuesday, April 1, 2025- All DaySpring Break March 31-April 4 No School
No School Monday, March 31 through Friday, April 4.
Classes resume Monday, April 7
Tuesday, April 1, 2025- All Day19
Saturday, April 19, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062Liahona Jr. High Theater Presents: The Night of January 16th
Liahona Jr. High Theater Presents: The Night of January 16th
Saturday, April 19, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 8406225
Friday, April 25, 2025- From 6:00 pm - 11:00 pmThe Garden Room at Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, UT 84043,Liahona Gala "Bring on the Magic!" SAVE THE DATE
We are very excited to announce that we are having our Liahona Gala on Thursday, April 24 at The Garden Room at Thanksgiving Point, 3900 Garden Drive in Lehi. A VIP Reception will be at 6:00 pm and the plated dinner, live auction and entertainment will be at 6:45 pm. Please SAVE THE DATE and come join us for a Harry Potter themed evening. For more information or to sign up as a sponsor, please contact Jeanine Loukota-Carr at jeanineloukota@liahonaed.
com or 801-785-7850 X105. Friday, April 25, 2025- From 6:00 pm - 11:00 pmThe Garden Room at Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, UT 84043,26
Saturday, April 26, 2025- All Day2nd Semester Proctor Exams due Friday, April 25
Second Semester Exams are due Friday, April 25.
Saturday, April 26, 2025- All Day01
Thursday, May 1, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062Liahona High School Theatre Presents: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Liahona Theatre Presents: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Thursday, May 1, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 8406209
Friday, May 9, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062DE Last Day of Filmed Classes
The last day of filmed classes will be Thursday, May 8
ACT prep week will be filmed for those that would like to participate Monday -Wednesday, May 12-14.
Friday, May 9, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 8406210
Saturday, May 10, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062Second Semester Makeup Work Deadline for Academy Students 3:00 pm
All work–including retakes and any makeup work–must be turned in to teachers for final grading no later than Friday, May 9 by 3:00 pm.
Work turned in past this date will be considered late and will not receive full credit. Any score given will be up to the discretion of each teacher.
Saturday, May 10, 2025- All DayLiahona Preparatory Academy, 2464 W 450 S, Pleasant Grove, UT 8406213
Tuesday, May 13, 2025- All DayACT Practice Week May 12-14
ACADEMY STUDENTSOn Monday, teachers will review ACT prep suggestions, tips, etc. for taking the test. On Tuesday, you will take the test with your first-period teacher. On Wednesday, you will correct the tests and be able to ask your teachers questions. Here is next week‘s schedule:Monday – Normal bell scheduleTuesday – Test day, go to your first-period class (If you have Seminary first period, please come to the office)Wednesday – Normal bell scheduleThursday – Closing assembly, cleaning, yearbooks 8:30 – 12:00. THE SCHOOL WILL CLOSE AT NOON.Friday Evening – LATA’s (Liahona Academy Theater Awards) will start with a Red carpet event at 5:00 pm Award ceremony starts at 6:00 pm. All are invited to attend.Saturday – Graduation at 10:30 am. Seniors -Mandatory rehearsal at 8 am.DISTANCE EDUCATION STUDENTS*Instructions and tests will be sent in an email so you can take the test at home.Monday and Wednesday classes will be filmed on Telenect so even if you aren’t taking one of these classes at Liahona, you will still be able to watch the classes to prep for the ACT. *Tuesday is test day (no filming).Tuesday, May 13, 2025- All Day