Why Choose Liahona
Our Mission
The mission of Liahona Preparatory Academy is to assist parents in educating their children in the fundamentals of the arts, letters, and sciences while integrating the truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive to provide an LDS Based Education by infusing secular knowledge with LDS doctrine and values so that students might integrate all understanding in the context of the eternal. We call this “Restoration Education.”
“I am making an unabashed appeal for a distinctly LDS approach to education.”
Jeffrey R. Holland (BYU Annual University Conference Address, August 22, 1988)
Liahona Preparatory Academy and its Distance Education program were founded in 1998 with the goal of heeding Elder Holland’s appeal to educate the youth of Zion with a distinctly LDS approach. We have two simple bedrock philosophies:

Educational institutions should exist to help parents educate their children. Who else has a greater vested interest in the ultimate welfare of their child? No one knows better than a parent what strengths, talents, and weaknesses a child possesses or how to create learning opportunities and environments that are best for that child. In recognition of this fact, Liahona's program provides an academic framework designed to work in accordance with parents.
Liahona's classes are designed to combine temporal knowledge in the context of the eternal. For many students, revealed knowledge, LDS truths, values, and principles are often relegated to church or seminary, with little understanding of how they apply to academic subjects and thought. Our desire is to present academics and revealed knowledge into one whole, equipping students to fulfill their heritage and mission. Learning is enhanced when the Spirit is invited into the classroom.

“In many places it is literally not safe physically for youngsters to go to school. And in many schools—and it's becoming almost generally true—it is spiritually unsafe to attend public schools.”
Boyd K. Packer (BYU Symposium, October 9, 1996)
Our Belief
While there are many excellent public school teachers and administrators, they are strapped to a system that anecdotally and statistically is struggling.
There is growing evidence that the public education system is producing students who are morally confused, emotionally alienated, academically disengaged, lacking understanding of our constitutional republic, and schooled in the current politically correct fad of the day.
For Latter-day Saints, who value education and recognize both earthly and eternal consequences, this state of affairs is particularly distressing. Now you have options! Liahona Preparatory Academy and its’ Online Courses provides a new direction for your student’s education.
We believe that “true education does not consist merely in the acquiring of a few facts of science, history, literature, or art, but in the development of character…true education develops reason and inculcates faith in the living God as the eternal, loving Father of all.” (David O McKay, Gospel Ideals, p. 441)
We believe that by infusing secular education with LDS doctrine and values, a student’s unique talents, gifts, and learning styles are supported and strengthened, and academic subjects become relevant to their duty to God and to their fellow man.
We believe that as parents, teachers, and administrators work in cooperation with one another in a safe environment, students have a greater opportunity to learn, grow, and excel.
Why Liahona?
Parents stay in control of their child's education.
LDS beliefs are strengthened and supported as they become relevant to academic subjects.
Liahona students consistently score above state averages on nationally recognized tests and are succeeding in major academic areas.
Our teachers are engaging and interesting.
Accredited or non-accredited classes are available.
A small academy student body guarantees students won't get lost in the crowd.
A large distance education community provides diversity and friendships nationally and internationally.
Classes are filmed and available all year to reinforce concepts and review.
Liahona is the only accredited private school and DE program at the K-12 level with its own, proven LDS curriculum.
Rated among TheBestSchools.org Top 50 Best ONLINE High School Diploma Programs
NICHE Ranks Liahona #1 AGAIN!!
#1 Best College Prep Private School in Utah County
#1 Best Christian High School in Utah
#1 Best Christian High School in Utah County
#1 Best Christian High School in Salt Lake City Area
We'd love to discuss our academy or distance education programs with you.
Please call us at 801-785-7850 for further information.
Liahona Preparatory Academy Distance Education Program accepts students grades 1–12 regardless of race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, physical, or mental disability.
Students must agree to abide by the policies of Liahona Preparatory Academy as outlined in this Policies and Procedures manual.
Students are not allowed to begin classes until all enrollment forms have been submitted and approved by our office.
Following acceptance of your registration, you will be emailed information on how to access online classes thru Telenect, The Scoop, booklists, etc.